Freakin Hilarious!
I have friggin watched this a million times and keep laughing! this is like a classic!
Freakin Hilarious!
I have friggin watched this a million times and keep laughing! this is like a classic!
I think i just had my mind F#@!ED,
that is probably the must awesome song i have ever experienced while watching a newgrounds flash, ummm sweet lemonade too... that looks more like a donkey though.
I would have to say that this has to have some type of humor in it (Luigi's joint gave him fire powers etc) but generally i feel like my mind just turned to goop that looks like oatmeal soup. Not a big fan of anime but great flash though
animation was great and the storyboard was unique, and then again, great!
a great storyline + great characters + hard work = this one of my favorites cant wait till the next one...
A Triumph
This virtually is some of the best animation i have ever seen here on newgrounds i say you should make a sequel
Joined on 8/21/10