This song really makes my speakers rumble, I really love the distortion at certain parts, but still, got a bit ear raped at the start.
This song really makes my speakers rumble, I really love the distortion at certain parts, but still, got a bit ear raped at the start.
lol i probably need to remaster this one a bit...
Nice job on this one. :3
I really love how fast paced the sing stayed throughout, and I didnt feel like it tripped anywhere, my only real complaint is I did get a little ear raped in the first couple seconds. :)
lol sorry about that, thanks for the feedback though!
Love the way the song transforms at :45, really kept me into the song.
thanks! I feel this song wasn' t my best...
I really like how late the drop was, because I wasn't anticipating it. It knocked me off my chair so much further! Overall the song made me feel like I wanted to get up and dance. Nice Job. ;)
thanks man, i was going for a dance tune!
Really great, you have really gotten me addicted to complextro. It just has that beautiful beat. My ears thank you :3
Thanks man, really appreciate it!!!
For your info/help, on mixcraft you can turn it over to an mp3, there is a hidden button, I couldnt find it at first. Look for a little button that has a green arrow pointing at a crack type thing, if you role over it, it should say mix down to audio file.
oh.....thanks for the tip/info
Rabting Creating!
This song is the damn mother of all f###ers, the gooses golden egg, the one thousand pound baby, the Nobel prize, the Bugatti of all songs.
Not that Justin bieber idiot, not those Jonas brother noobs and definitely not any other pigheaded bozos. This is like hand crafted million dollar chocolate, ITS FREAKIN AWESOME, ITS AMAZING, ITS AWSE-MAZING!
Keep rolin' ParagonX9... you have sploded my head once again.
Lame, annoying
this is not music! for all you people who rate 10 listen to this its just a guy going duuh duhhh duh duh duh duuuuuuh duuuh for 28 seconds! Plus how does this have anything to do with pokeman?!?!?!?!
Joined on 8/21/10